Современный ресторан — это всегда история о жизни. Krasotа рассказывает о красоте и гармонии, которой не хватает именно в этом году. Меню основного зала ресторана, составленное шефом Ликарионом Солнцевым, не оставит равнодушным никого. Прочувствовать и вкусить восхитительное гастрономическое искусство можно ежедневно с 12:00 до 17:00 и с 19:00 до 00:00.
Give impressions! Gift certificates 35,000, 70,000 and 150,000 rubles.
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Rules for activating gift certificates
The Krasota gift certificate acts as payment both at the gastrotheater and the restaurant.
Gift certificates are presented in denominations of 30,000, 60,000 and 120,000 rubles. This amount is a deposit for food and drinks in the Krasota restaurant and gastrotheatre.
A gift certificate can only be used once. It is not possible to use it several times.
If the certificate is not fully used, the difference in the invoice is not paid and is not transferred.
In case of exceeding the amount of the certificate, one must pay the difference.
It is possible to use several certificates at one time for an amount not exceeding 100,000 rubles.
The certificate can be used only until the period indicated on the certificate (valid for a calendar year from the date of purchase).
The return of the certificate is not possible, it cannot be exchanged for cash.
If you plan to purchase a certificate as a gift, then, ordering and paying on the website, you can receive a certificate in electronic form or in a gift envelope. It is possible to pick up the certificate in an envelope at a restaurant or arrange delivery to the recipient's address.
If you have any questions about certificates, please contact info@krasota.wrf.su
Дорогие гости, бронирование столов в ресторане открывается в январе 2021года.